Is Simple Sites Right for You?

Simple Sites is a free, user-friendly way to create and edit a basic website or blog using a secure, self-service web-based Content Management System (CMS). Simple Sites is built on CampusPress, a hosted version of the popular and widely-used WordPress CMS. It’s secure, easy-to-use, and scalable to accommodate many campus websites.


  • Free:  IT Services funds the service so there is no charge for individual users or websites.
  • Open to faculty and staff at UC San Diego: Currently, faculty and staff with a UCSD active directory (AD) can create a website.
  • Accessible and branded templates: Templates reflect the UC San Diego brand and have been tested for accessibility compliance.
  • Easy-to-use interface:  You can create pages using a WYSIWYG editor with no HTML expertise needed.
  • Web-based editing: You don’t kneed to download any software to create/edit a website.
  • Multi-user environment: Website owners can invite other users to manage content on websites (all users must have a UCSD AD account.)
  • Built-in version control: ????
  • Built-in search: Websites have a built-in search so you don’t need to register with Google.
  • Supports dynamic content: Embed RSS feeds and plug-ins
  • Embed images and video for a multi-media experience
  • Website is hosted for you: CampusPress hosts all sites and does nightly backups
  • Custom UCSD domain in the form of*
    * We don’t create vanity domains ( by default. These require a separate process (link to form)


  • Limited themes: This is hosted version of WordPress. We only offer themes that are accessible and reflect UC San Diego branding.
  • Limited to WordPress tools: These is no programming or scripting access.
  • Limited import access: If you have a website created in another version of WordPress, you may be able to import that site into Simple Sites (this will depend on the template being used). For other existing sites, you’ll need to recreate the site and copy and paste the content.
  • All website contributors (authors, editors, etc.) must have a UCSD active directory (AD) login to access the service.
  • Limited to installed plugins: All plugins are vetted by CampusPress and the content team at UC San Diego for accessibility and style. You can enable any of these via the Plugins menu in the dashboard.

Simple Sites vs. the campus CMS

The campus CMS is a full-service website content management system for official UC San Diego campus and School of Medicine (SOM) departments and programs. It is the best option for large, official sites. UCSD Sites is best for individual sites for faculty and students, labs, and smaller programs and events.

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